Saturday, April 19, 2014

Yeast Infection Treatment For Men

This article discusses yeast infection treatment for men and why this disturbing infection is not just common for women.

Yes, men too can get yeast infections; orally and down below! Penile or oral yeast infections are not common and therefore there is not a lot of information available. However, they do happen... Thrush is the most common of infections that is in men who have compromised immune systems. None of these infections are particularly pleasant for any man. It is also known that unprotected sex can pass yeast infections back and forth so it is important for any man to treat their infection and find out the root of the cause.

Men can get these infections for the same reasons that women do with the exclusion of oral contraceptives.

The main causes of penile yeast infections are:

Unprotected Sex - Although not considered a technical "sexually transmitted disease", some infections can still be transmitted from one person to another. If you or your partner have an active infection, you should be careful and follow safe sex guidelines. It is really best to just refrain from sex while you have an infection.

Antibiotics - For males, this goes for prolonged antibiotic use. Antibiotics pretty much rid the body of good bacteria as well as the bad bacteria that they are treating. This can cause imbalance and growth of yeast.

Diabetes - This is due to elevated sugar levels in the urine that can cause an infection.
Diet and hygiene can also play a part in developing yeast infections in men. It is therefore important to practice good diet and hygiene as to stay clean and healthy.

It can be a tad tricky to be able to tell when a man has a penile yeast infection since they can have one without having any symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they can be awful.

The following are some signs of infection:

Irritation and soreness at the head of the penis.

Itchiness - Like women, men also suffer from sever itchiness. Itching from a yeast infection can make you very uncomfortable during every day life activities.

Discharge - Like women, some men will also get a nasty clumpy white discharge. The head of the penis may also turn reddish in color as well as develop small blisters.

Odor is hard to determine. There is usually no odor but sometimes you may notice a yeasty smell if the infection is bad. If this is the case, then you definitely have an infection.

I once had a friend who was suffering with an oral and penile yeast infection. He was on heavy antibiotics for almost a month. This seems to be what caused it. He said that the itching and irritation was so bad that all he wanted to do was sit all day in a bath since that seemed to offer him some relief. This is probably the worst thing anyone can do (male or female) since yeast feeds on moisture. The more moisture, the more growth.

Yeast infection treatment for men is a topic that is hard to come by. However, one of the main treatments is actually that of Monistat. Monistat is usually used by rubbing a small amount of the cream onto the surface of the penis. This should help in clearing up the yeast in a few applications.

There are also a few prescription options available such as Diflucan. However, if you can not afford to take a trip to the doctor and pay for the medication, then natural and over the counter treatment may be best and good to start with.

One last tip - It is important to find out the underlying cause of your infections if they become frequent and try to prevent them. A healthy body is a happy one.
If you are interested in treating your yeast infection the best way possible, please visit Yeast No More.  These treatments are for both men and women!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Natural Treatment For A Yeast Infection

Yeast Infection Gone In As Little As 12 Hours Guaranteed!

A vaginal yeast infection can be characterized by irritation, intense itchiness, and discharge. It affects the vagina and the surrounding tissues at the opening.

These infections can be very common. Four out of 5 women can get one at some point in their lifetimes. Men can also get them but not nearly as often as women.

Fortunately, yeast infections are not considered a sexually transmitted infection; they can however spread through oral-genital contact. Simple treatment to these infections can be effective. If you happen to have chronic infections, simple treatments may not be enough, and you may need to find the root of the cause or try alternative choices. Yeast Infection No More can help!

If you are a first time sufferer of a yeast infection, it is important to visit your doctor. If you are well acquainted with these infections, then it may be beneficial for you to find some natural treatments to relieve your systems.

Some risk factors to these infections can include:

Increased Estrogen Levels ( usually from birth control)
Uncontrolled Diabetes
Sexual Activity
Poor Immune System
Too much sugar and carbohydrates

Treatment for these infections can vary. There have been a number of natural ways tested. Before trying any kind of natural treatment for a yeast infection, you should check with your doctor first to weigh the pros and cons of the situation.

Some examples of natural treatments are:

Yogurt - There has been some success with women who have tried lactobacillus-containing yogurt. The yogurt can be taken orally or applied vaginally. Studies that have shown yogurt to be effective to reduce yeast infections and provide relief with various groups of women. Those tested have had mild infections, as well as chronic ones.

Boric Acid - This can be a vaginal insert that is available by prescription. This can work well with chronic or ongoing symptoms that do not respond to other treatments. Boric acid may be effective against some less common strains of candida since some of these strains can be resistant to other treatments. The downfall is that this acid can irritate your skin and is also toxic if swallowed.
There are many other natural treatments that may benefit you but the two I mentioned above are very common. No matter what kind of natural treatment for a yeast infection you choose, it is always a smart idea to do your research first in order to not encounter any problems.

For more information on how you can naturally cure a yeast infection in as little as 12 hours, please visit: 
Treat your yeast infection fast!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Yeast Infection Relief

After reading my blog post prior to this one, you now know some of the many causes to getting yeast infections. Perhaps you have found what has been the cause of your own yeast infection.

If you are reading this post, you are probably wondering what you could do for yeast infection relief.

Most women are bothered by vaginal infections from time to time; especially with the itching, burning, pain and discharge that comes along with it. 
Sometimes you may even notice a slight yeasty smell.

While yeast infections can often be treated at home, it's important to be absolutely sure that yeast is to blame.  Some other vaginal infections can cause symptoms similar to yeast infections.  It is important to distinguish between the two since one will require an antibiotic.

If you have had recurring yeast infections, then you probably know when you most definitely have one.  Many women who have had these infections have already been diagnosed by a doctor at one point and know all too well the symptoms of episodes.

If you know you definitely have a yeast infection, then yeast infection relief at home may be beneficial rather than spending all that money at the doctor and on OTC medications.

Here is a list of ways you can get yeast infection relief:
Click here for information on how to get rid of your yeast infection!
  • Using loose fitting cotton underwear
  • Using non-scented soap
  • Stay away from douches and feminine sprays
  • Eat plain yogurt with very little or no sugar
  • Drinking cranberry juice
  • Washing with cool water instead of warm or hot

There are many more ways to treat and get relief from a yeast infection.  For more information on treating yeast infections at home and preventing them from happening in the first place, "Yeast No More" offers an array of treatments, information, studies, and tips.  

Sunday, March 30, 2014

What Causes Yeast Infections In Women?

Are you tired of figuring out what is causing your yeast infection?
This is the book I used to help me get rid of my ongoing yeast infections

I have been a sufferer of yeast infections for the past 6 years. Although 6 years doesn't seem all that long, just imagine the pain and embarrassment that comes with it and nonetheless, these infections would happen almost every month.

After trying remedy after remedy and doing everything that my Gynecologist/OBGYN has told me to do, I finally discovered a way to get them under control. I would like to say "under control" rather than "gone for good" because they have been gone for over a year now, but our bodies change constantly as we get older. Either way, I have learned to control these nasty infections.

First I took my research to the library and online in order to find out what was causing these yeast infections. I was more intent on finding out what causes yeast infections in women. Men can also get yeast infections too and most information I was coming across was geared towards both sexes, which was good because I was always afraid that my boyfriend would catch it from me.

Yeast is a fungus that can live in the vagina as well as our mouth. A vaginal yeast infection means that too many yeast cells are growing in the vagina. Most yeast infections are caused by a type of yeast called Candida albicans.

Healthy vaginas have bacteria and a small number of yeast cells. When something happens to change the balance of these organisms, yeast can grow too much and cause those symptoms we as women know all too well. Antibiotics can sometimes cause this imbalance too so it is also important to take care of yourself while getting better. The high estrogen levels caused by pregnancy or hormone therapy can also cause a yeast infection.

A few other things can also cause yeast infections in women. Here are just a few other examples:

  • wet bathing suits (moisture helps yeast grow)
  • not changing panty liners throughout the day (once again moisture)
  • eating too much starch (too much starch and sugar can definitely give you yeast overgrowth)
  • staying in sweaty clothes after the gym (once again, moisture)
  • not giving yourself ventilation "down there"
  • birth control pills
  • digestive disorders
  • stress

A yeast infection causes itching or soreness in the vagina and sometimes causes pain or burning when you urinate or have sex. Some women also have a thick, clumpy, white discharge that has no odor and looks a little like cottage cheese.

UGH!  How we all hate the symptoms of yeast infections huh!?  In fact, if you were so thrilled with an itchy and sore vagina, you wouldn't have clicked on this page... (lol).  These infections have made me depressed, have dampened my sex life, and have made me so self conscious.  On top of these infections, I have also felt bloated, cranky, tired, and had a general feeling of malaise.

It wasn't until recently that I have come across Yeast Infection No More.  I was a little skeptical to try this product being that it was just an E-book, but I was so desperate and was already spending money on everything else to try and stop it.

This book actually educated me on things I didn't even know about yeast infections and how they are caused in women.  Linda Allen (the author of Yeast No More) has really done her research in finding what causes yeast infections in women (as well as men!). She has helped thousands of women control and permanently cure their yeast infections. As for myself, I have used this E-book for 4 1/2 weeks before finding relief. That is just over 30 days.  Although it wasn't over night, 30 days was better than nothing.  Linda offers so many different remedies and treatments so that you can figure out which one will work best for you. 

I would recommend everyone to try this E-book.  It is a small investment that can really help you change your life and get rid of this nasty infection....