Saturday, April 19, 2014

Yeast Infection Treatment For Men

This article discusses yeast infection treatment for men and why this disturbing infection is not just common for women.

Yes, men too can get yeast infections; orally and down below! Penile or oral yeast infections are not common and therefore there is not a lot of information available. However, they do happen... Thrush is the most common of infections that is in men who have compromised immune systems. None of these infections are particularly pleasant for any man. It is also known that unprotected sex can pass yeast infections back and forth so it is important for any man to treat their infection and find out the root of the cause.

Men can get these infections for the same reasons that women do with the exclusion of oral contraceptives.

The main causes of penile yeast infections are:

Unprotected Sex - Although not considered a technical "sexually transmitted disease", some infections can still be transmitted from one person to another. If you or your partner have an active infection, you should be careful and follow safe sex guidelines. It is really best to just refrain from sex while you have an infection.

Antibiotics - For males, this goes for prolonged antibiotic use. Antibiotics pretty much rid the body of good bacteria as well as the bad bacteria that they are treating. This can cause imbalance and growth of yeast.

Diabetes - This is due to elevated sugar levels in the urine that can cause an infection.
Diet and hygiene can also play a part in developing yeast infections in men. It is therefore important to practice good diet and hygiene as to stay clean and healthy.

It can be a tad tricky to be able to tell when a man has a penile yeast infection since they can have one without having any symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they can be awful.

The following are some signs of infection:

Irritation and soreness at the head of the penis.

Itchiness - Like women, men also suffer from sever itchiness. Itching from a yeast infection can make you very uncomfortable during every day life activities.

Discharge - Like women, some men will also get a nasty clumpy white discharge. The head of the penis may also turn reddish in color as well as develop small blisters.

Odor is hard to determine. There is usually no odor but sometimes you may notice a yeasty smell if the infection is bad. If this is the case, then you definitely have an infection.

I once had a friend who was suffering with an oral and penile yeast infection. He was on heavy antibiotics for almost a month. This seems to be what caused it. He said that the itching and irritation was so bad that all he wanted to do was sit all day in a bath since that seemed to offer him some relief. This is probably the worst thing anyone can do (male or female) since yeast feeds on moisture. The more moisture, the more growth.

Yeast infection treatment for men is a topic that is hard to come by. However, one of the main treatments is actually that of Monistat. Monistat is usually used by rubbing a small amount of the cream onto the surface of the penis. This should help in clearing up the yeast in a few applications.

There are also a few prescription options available such as Diflucan. However, if you can not afford to take a trip to the doctor and pay for the medication, then natural and over the counter treatment may be best and good to start with.

One last tip - It is important to find out the underlying cause of your infections if they become frequent and try to prevent them. A healthy body is a happy one.
If you are interested in treating your yeast infection the best way possible, please visit Yeast No More.  These treatments are for both men and women!

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